Andrew Johnston | Trainer, editor and writer

I lead writing skills workshops for international organizations.
I specialize in helping policy, research and communications staff write clearly for mixed audiences of specialists and non-specialists. Since 2013, I have given more than 380 workshops for participants from 50 countries, including 175 online courses during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Since 2009 I have edited and written publications for a wide range of international organizations, particularly in the development field. Major recent clients include the African Development Bank, Global Commission on Drug Policy, International Energy Agency, OECD, Robert Carr Fund and UNESCO.

I am an editor with 25 years’ newspaper experience in New Zealand and Europe, including 11 years at the International Herald Tribune in Paris, where I was deputy editor of the editorial pages for six years.

I bring to all my work a deep regard for language developed in my other life as a poet and critic. I’ve published six collections of poetry and edited two poetry anthologies. I have twice won New Zealand’s national award for a poetry collection: in 2017 for Fits & Starts and in 1994 for How to Talk.