Writing workshops for international organizations

“Out of all the courses I have done, Andrew’s has had the highest impact on my career as a policy-oriented researcher."
– Alice Obrecht, Overseas Development Institute

I can design and deliver writing workshops that meet the needs of your organization:

  • for 6 people or more
  • in person or online
  • anywhere in the world 
  • based on your documents/challenges
  • at a price that suits your budget.

Write to me: andrew[at]wordsforchange.com

Core workshops

My core workshops include hands-on editing practice. Learn to:
• engage and persuade
• use storytelling techniques
• identify your audiences
• pinpoint your goals
• plan and structure logically
• maximize readability
• revise drafts thoroughly.

Online workshops

I can give core workshops or specialized courses online.

Online workshops are usually split over two half-days.

During the Covid pandemic I gave 170 online workshops to people in more than 50 countries.

Specialized workshops

I give half-day, one-day or two-day workshops on:
• presentations
• policy briefs
• communications tools
• research writing
• minute-taking
and many other topics.

Advanced workshops

I offer advanced workshops for groups of six participants.
We spend a day analysing one another's work and building a checklist of ways to improve.

Participants usually take my core workshop first.

Andrew Johnston | 7 rue Louise Thuliez, 75019 Paris, France | +33 6 65 17 39 66 | andrew [at] wordsforchange.com

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